Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008


one thing that i remembered first,
it was my final TGA ( skripsi ) on June 2000.

I was doing my final drawings and models at my last week of assignment dead-line,all of sudden I saw most of my friends brought their display to class room on a level of very-impressive and show-off.
They had done very nice display and models,and it gets me down to bottom.
I got stressed out.
lost my confidence.
I felt like , well, if this is my final moment and i'm going to get bad results,it will be my nightmare to remember forever since i really, really ,really want this to be PERFECT.

Then I come to JESUS.
I pray to him also MOTHER MARY ( thru novena )
3 nights in a row for novena,maybe more,i cant remember but for sure its everyday of praying.

I prayed and cried.

I told Them ( JESUS and Mother MARY ) anything will happen to me as GOD wants me to be.

then a week after,we had our judgement time.I felt blank but I tried did my best to overcome it.
The next week results shown on the announcement wall board.
I didn't get any nerves to peek at the results but all of my friends running into the crowd to see theirs.its very crowded and hectic coz they want to be the first to look at it.
I asked my friend to peek for me,while i shut my eyes,covered my ears and prayed repeatedly to GOD.
Suddenly my friend screaming with an unbelieved tone :

YOU GOT 4.00 !?

I think i miss-hearing coz my ears covered,i yelled her back : WHAT???
She repeated with still same tone : YOU GOT 4.00 ?!! and its only you who got the best perfect 4.00 !!!
all of my judges ( 3 of them ) had gave me 4.00 for my final assignment.

at that time i knew my prayers answered.
its MIRACLE my friend, i can tell you the truth.
without JESUS I will never get that,its all because of him and with the deliverance of MOTHER MARY.
HE can change impossible to possible!
I thank HIM since that day
I thank HIM everyday
I thank HIM everytime i remembered,which is until now.

never doubt his POWER again.
JESUS always there for me.

God bless us all

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